Ruppiner Fohlenstarter

Ruppiner Fohlenstarter
ruppiner fohlenstarter
Feed for breed and rearing
Order number

Special feed for foals in the first 18 months of life

Our foal starter was specially developed for foals in the first 18 months of life. It supports the foal's intensive growth phase and promotes a healthy build-up and resilience of joints, tendons and muscles. It contains all the important nutrients to cover the high energy and protein requirements of our little four-legged friends. Nevertheless, an excessive energy surplus should be avoided, especially in the first year of life. It is therefore particularly important that there are always enough opportunities to exercise.

The pellet is tailored to the specific needs of foals and contains a lot of digestible crude protein. The minerals, vitamins and trace elements it contains also support optimal and balanced growth and the foal's metabolic function. The additional magnesium can optimally support bone development, especially in growth phases.


  • Tailored to the specific needs of foals
  • Balanced ratio of nutrients
  • Supports growth and metabolism
15 kg / bag


Barley, corn, wheat bran, fine, soybean meal feed with soap stock, steam heated, linseed, extruded, sugar beet molasses, apple pomace, alfalfa green meal, wheat bran, extruded, calcium carbonate, monocalcium phosphate, sodium chloride, brewer's yeast, magnesium oxide

Analytical constituents and contents (per kg)

  • Raw protein: 16,30 %
  • Raw fat: 4,90 %
  • Crude fiber: 7,00 %
  • Raw ash: 8,00 %
  • Calcium: 1,20 %
  • Phosphorus: 0,70 %
  • Sodium: 0,35 %
  • Magnesium: 0,30 %

Additives (per kg)

  • Vitamin A (3a672a): 30.000 I.E.
  • Vitamin D3 (E671): 2.000 I.E.
  • Vitamin E (3a700): 250 mg
  • Vitamin B12/Cyanocobalamin: 30 mcg
  • Vitamin C (3a300): 60 mg
  • Niacinamid (3a315): 30 mg
  • Biotin (3a880): 600 mcg
  • Cholinchlorid (3a890): 100 mg
  • Eisen als Eisen-(II)-sulfat Monohydrat (3b103): 100 mg
  • Kupfer als Kupfer-(II)-sulfat, Pentahydrat (3b405): 23 mg
  • Kupfer als Kupfer-(II)-Aminosäurechelat-Hydrat (3b406): 30 mg
  • Zink als Zinkoxid (3b603): 150 mg
  • Zink als Glycin-Zinkchelat, Hydrat (fest) (3b607): 75 mg
  • Mangan als Mangan-(II)-oxid (3b502): 100 mg
  • Mangan als Glycin-Manganchelat-Hydrat (3b506): 50 mg
  • Cobalt als gecoatetes Cobalt-(II)-carbonat-Granulat (3b304): 0,25 mg
  • Jod als Calciumjodat, wasserfrei (3b202): 1,20 mg
  • Selen als Natriumselenit (3b801): 0,55 mg
  • Lysin aus L-Lysin-Monohydrochlorid (3.2.3): 966 mg
  • Methionin aus DL-Methionin (3c301): 1.845 mg

Feeding recommendation

  • In the 6th. month: 150 g / 100 kg 
  • In the 7th. month: 200 g / 100 kg
  • In the 8th. month: 250 g / 100 kg
  • From the 10th. month: 350 g / 100 kg 
Frequently asked questions

How much Ruppiner foal starter should I give my foal?

  • In the 6th. month: 150 g / 100 kg 
  • In the 7th. month: 200 g / 100 kg
  • In the 8th. month: 250 g / 100 kg
  • From the 10th. month: 350 g / 100 kg 

When should I give my foal Ruppiner foal starter?

Ruppiner foal starter should be given from around the 6th month when the foal can manage without its mother. Before that, it can easily eat the Ruppiner Zucht-Müsli.