Ruppiner Rehe-Prevent
There are a number of different triggers for laminitis in horses. Common causes can be errors in feeding management and the increased release of endotoxins. With its unique formula, Ruppiner Rehe-Prevent supports the digestive tract, vitality and the immune system. An important ingredient is bentonite, which has a high swelling and water absorption capacity. It can bind toxins so the horse doesn't ingest them. They are simply excreted in the feces. The NH4 binding also relieves the metabolism and the detoxification organs.
Another important ingredient is grape pomace, which has an anti-inflammatory effect and can support the regeneration process of the liver. Components such as pea shells also contribute to the stabilization of the gastrointestinal tract due to their crude fiber content and the combination of fermentable and non-fermentable dietary fibers. Due to the high swelling capacity and the indigestible roughage, excess water is bound in the intestine and a faster, long-lasting feeling of satiety is achieved. In order to be able to optimally support the horse's acid-base balance, Ruppiner Rehe-Prevent contains sodium bicarbonate, which has a buffering effect.
How much Ruppiner Rehe-Prevent should I feed my horse?
This supplementary feed may only be fed with up to 30 g per 100 kg body weight and day due to the higher content of additives compared to complete feed. For a large horse (600 kg), a dose of 180 g / animal / day is recommended. The feeding recommendation refers to a roughage intake (hay) of 1.5 kg per 100 kg body weight and day.
Ruppiner Rehe-Prevent should be fed two weeks before the start of a feed change, such as grazing. The feeding time depends on the need.
Über welchen Zeitraum sollte ich Rehe-Prevent füttern?
Ruppiner Rehe-Prevent sollte zwei Wochen vor Beginn einer Futterumstellung wie beispielsweise dem Weideaustrieb gefüttert werden. Die Fütterungsdauer richtet sich je nach Bedarf.
Was kann Ruppiner Rehe-Prevent bewirken?
Ruppiner Rehe-Prevent kann das Immunsystem und den Stoffwechsel von Pferden positiv beeinflussen und somit einen natürlichen Beitrag zum Hufrehe - Management leisten.
Ist Ruppiner Rehe-Prevent dopingrelevant und was hat es für eine Karenzzeit?
Ruppiner Rehe-Prevent ist nicht dopingrelevant und darf auch während des Wettkampfs gefüttert werden.