Ruppiner Wiesencobs

ruppiner wiesencobs
sack wiesencobs
Structurized feed and – cereals
Order number

Groundbait from a natural herb meadow

Structure-rich roughage in sufficient quantity and quality is the basis of optimal horse feeding. Ruppiner Wiesencobs is a hay cob from a natural herb meadow, is low in protein and an optimal, high-quality substitute for roughage. They are suitable for all horses and ponies of all breeds. The tasty pellets consist of 100% pasture grass and can be fed as a supplement if the amount or quality of the roughage is insufficient. The Ruppiner Wiesencobs offer a good alternative for a variety of feeding problems. They are ideally suited as a supplement for horses with little access to pasture or roughage, for old or lean horses with eating disorders or dental problems.


  • Low in protein
  • High-quality roughage substitute
  • Very delicious
  • A good alternative for little grazing, limited access to roughage, for old or lean horses with eating disorders or dental problems
25 kg / bag

Feeding recommendation

Due to their high swelling capacity, Ruppiner Wiesencobs should always be fed soaked. Depending on the preferred consistency with a ratio of 2:1 to 4:1 (water:meadow cobs).The soaking time should be at least 30 minutes.

Depending on the amount of roughage to be replaced: 1.5 - 2 kg per 100 kg body weight

Frequently asked questions

For which horses are Ruppiner Wiesencobs suitable?

Ruppiner Wiesencobs are basically suitable for all horses. They are particularly ideal for horses that...

  • ...need to supplement or replace the roughage
  • ...have dental problems or tooth loss and are therefore unable to chew properly
  • ...want to gain weight but don't need as much energy

How much Ruppiner Wiesencobs should I feed my horse?

Depending on the amount of roughage to be replaced: 1.5 kg - 2 kg per 100 kg body weight

Important: Due to their high swelling capacity, Ruppiner Wiesencobs should always be fed soaked. Depending on the preferred consistency with a ratio of 2:1 to 4:1 (water:meadow cobs). The soaking time should be at least 30 minutes.