Live Stock

Junge Rinder stehen auf einer Wiese

In the live stock sector we are producing high-quality special feed for dairy cattles, pigs and poultry as well as for sheep, goats, rabbits or camelids. Our portfolio includes products which take into account different requirements on keeping. On the following pages we will present a part of our range to you.

If you have any questions or need further informations: please get in touch with us!

Dairy cows

Holstein Friesian fressen im Stall

Our special products support the optimal sustenance of the animals in problem-situations, close gaps in sustenance and help to avoid health damages. Below you will find an extract of our product range for cattles. In case of any questions and for further informations please get in touch with our consultants.


Neugierige Ferkel in modernem Aufzuchtstall

Our special programmes for piglets, gilts, sows, porkers and boars submit individual and flexible feeding strategys in every rearing method.


Legehennen in Freilandhaltung

For poultry we have specialities as well which are tailored on the different housing conditions for laying hens, broilers and turkeys. Convince yourself of our natural growth promoter „AdiSal“ or our „Fibrasum“ product line to cover the need of raw fibre optimal.


Ein junges Schaf steht im Sonnenuntergang auf einer Wiese

Convince yourself of further specialities for sheep, coats, rabbits and camelids as well.