
1 kg eimer teufelskralle
Mash and special feed
Nutritional supplements
Order number

Devil's claw is still considered a rather unknown horse feed supplement in Germany, although it provides support for many problems and has been used as a medicinal plant for humans and animals in other countries for thousands of years. Above all, it has a positive effect on the muscles, ligaments and joints of the horse, as it inhibits protein-degrading enzymes and can therefore protect the cartilage. This makes it particularly suitable for horses that already have arthrosis or are pre-stressed by injuries and therefore have an increased risk of joint wear. In addition, it is considered to be a particularly effective support for injuries to the fetlock, ankle and knee joints, but also for laminitis and navicular disease. Tendon inflammation and injuries also benefit from the positive effects of the plant when used alongside therapy. Since it is a natural remedy, important organs such as the liver and kidneys are not damaged and it is therefore also suitable for long-term administration, but this should be discussed with the veterinarian.


  • Has positive effects especially on the muscles, ligaments and joints
  • Can also have a supportive effect on laminitis and navicular disease
  • Purely natural supplementary feed
1 kg-bucket
Devils claw120.77 KB

Feeding recommendation

Devil's Claw should be fed regularly and continuously; but not permanently or over a longer period of time, as lesions can occur in the gastric mucosa. We therefore recommend the gift as a cure. Devil's claw can also be added to the mash or softened with warm water. It is not suitable for horses with a sensitive stomach and pregnant mares. Also consult your veterinarian about supplementary feeding.

Frequently asked questions

How much Devil's Claw should I give my horse?

Devil's Claw should be fed regularly and continuously; but not permanently or over a longer period of time, as lesions can occur in the gastric mucosa. We therefore recommend the gift as a cure. Devil's claw can also be added to the mash or softened with warm water. It is not suitable for horses with a sensitive stomach and pregnant mares. Also consult your veterinarian about supplementary feeding.

How long should I feed Devil's Claw?

We recommend administration as a cure over a period (depending on the severity of the symptoms) of approx. 6 weeks up to a maximum of 6 months.

For which horses is devil's claw suitable?

Devil's Claw is suitable for horses with injuries, arthrosis and inflammation, especially in the ligaments, tendons and joints. In addition, devil's claw can stimulate the appetite.  Devil's claw is NOT suitable for horses suffering from gastric ulcers. Devil's claw is also not a suitable feed for pregnant mares or active tournament horses.

What problems can Devil's claw help with?

Above all, it has a positive effect on the muscles, ligaments and joints of the horse, as it inhibits protein-degrading enzymes and can therefore protect the cartilage. This makes it particularly suitable for horses that already have arthrosis or are pre-stressed by injuries and therefore have an increased risk of joint wear. In addition, it is considered to be a particularly effective support for injuries to the fetlock, ankle and knee joints, but also for laminitis and navicular disease. Tendon inflammation and injuries also benefit from the positive effects of the plant when used alongside therapy.

How fast does Devil's claw work?

Devil's Claw takes about 14 - 21 days to develop its full effect in the body.

Is Devil's claw relevant to doping and what is the waiting period?

Devil's Claw falls under doping and has a waiting period of four days if fed correctly.

Can Devil's claw be fed to lactating mares and foals?

No, Devil's claw is not suitable for pregnant, lactating mares or foals.